During his reign as President of the Bophuthatswana, Kgosi Lucas Manyane Mangope wanted an education system which would liberate his people from strictures imposed over centuries of deprivation, colonisation, oppression and bondage ...
![Aenean semper sapien pellentesque pelentesque vivamus sapien vehicula id libero](../wp-content/uploads/2015/04/education.jpg)
During his reign as President of the Bophuthatswana, Kgosi Lucas Manyane Mangope wanted an education system which would liberate his people from strictures imposed over centuries of deprivation, colonisation, oppression and bondage ...
The UCDP led govenement will see to it that the transport system is actually improved and ensur.e efficience and safe delivery of both passagers and goods to their desired destination, improve the rail transport system for both passagers and goods.
The UCDP led govenment will ensure that there is a properly administered comprehensive primary health care service with a functional governing board. the strengthening and decentralization of manageent which will address issues such as the management of hospital budgets, the attitude towards patients, patient waiting times and dispensary-related problems. Properly qualified health workers who are committed and accountable. Free medication to all. The re-opening of clossed clinics and ensuring that they remain open 24 hours daily; Atleast one doctor per clinic or a cluster of them. The re-opening of Nursing Colleges.
A UCDP-led govenement will ensure that all TB, HIV and AIDS infected are to be provided with proper care and support timeously. Special attention will be given to expectant woen in an effort to curb mother -to0child transmission. Medication will be delivered to the sick through home based care initiatives; state medica aid will be available to all TB, HIV and AIDS vitims; sexual education will be included n the education curriculum to promote self-respect, openness and responsibility in the youth. Strong emphasis in all education campaigns will be put on prevention and accurate statistics those diagnosed with the disease be released on a regular basis; Those infected and affected be provided to all elders at health care facilities. Special programmes on TB, HIV and AIDS be implemented in Prison